We believe sustainable companies offer the best potential for delivering sustainable returns

ESG has been integrated into our investment process for more than a decade.

Our Analysts conduct ESG analysis as part of fundamental company research. ESG is crucial to our view of a company's Quality.  

Deep Dives

View our Sustainability Deep Dives

Signing up for change

We are signatories to a number of industry codes, policies and disclosures

  • UN PRI (2009)
  • UK Stewardship Code (2010)
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (2015)
  • Montreal Carbon Pledge (2017)
  • B Corporation (2019)
  • FAIRR (2019)
  • NZAM (2020)
  • Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (2021)
  • Tobacco Free Portfolios Finance Pledge (2022)
  • Living Wage Accreditation (2022)
  • UKSIF (2022)
  • TNFD (2023)
  • Investor Coalition on Food Policy (2023)
  • LIPH (2023)
  • WDI (2023)

ESG oversight

Our ESG Committee provides oversight and guidance to ensure our approach to ESG remains consistent across the house.

Better World Fund


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